Faerl Zhaunil
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I wanna ride one!!!


The winged horse Pegasus, from the Greek myths, is a familiar "fanciful" creature. He was a white horse with golden(sometimes white) wings and the ability to fly.
Several myths give different versions of the origin of this magickal horse. All in all there are at least 5 different versions.
One legend says that Pegasus was born from the blood of Medusa after Perseus cut off her head. Another version states that Pegasus sprang from the blood-soaked earth after the death of Medusa, while yet another says that Poseidon created the horse by mixing Medusa's blood with sand. A much older story tells that Pegasus sprang from the menstral blood of the Gorgon Medusa. Another story says Medusa was pregnant with two children by Poseidon when Perseus killed her. At her death, her children sprang full-grown from her body. One child was Pegasus; the other was a human warrior named Chrysaor.Pegasus immediately escaped to Mount Helicon where the Muses took him in. Nothing is said about what Chrysaor did.
A Greek legend states that the Fountain of Hippocrene (the Moon-horse well or spring) on Mount Helicon, which belonged to the Muses, was created when Pegasus struck the ground there with his hoof. It was believed that anyone who rode Pegasus could become a great poet.
Pegasus was graceful, beautiful, wise, and gentle. He was so pure he could reach directly to the gates of Olympus, yet he sometimes assisted human heros, such as Perseus and Bellerophon. In the end Pegasus finally took his place among the constellations of stars. It is possible that Pegasus produced offspring before he went into the heavens.

Psychological Attributes:
  • Positive- One with the natural ability to change evil into good.
  • Negative- A person who feels superior to others because of his or her knowlegde.
