Faerl Zhaunil
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::gasp:: who said that!?


Ghost, nonmaterial embodiment or essence of an organism, especially of a human being. The term is sometimes used virtually as a synonym for soul or spirit, and in the Christian religion, in the form Holy Ghost (now, more often, Holy Spirit), it has a specialized meaning. More frequently, however, the term ghost is applied to an apparition, usually of a dead person, that varies in apparent solidity from a mere foglike mass to a perfect replica of the person. A wraith, in contrast, is the visible spirit of someone still alive. A doppelgänger is a special form of wraith that makes its appearance at a time when the physical body of the subject is observed at some distant place.

In many religions, and particularly in primitive faiths, the belief exists that the spirit wanders away from the body during periods of unconsciousness such as sleep. Such religions also teach that after death the spirit lingers near the body of the dead person. A common practice of groups holding such beliefs is to propitiate the ghosts of the dead by offerings of food, clothing, and other objects that the ghosts may find useful in the spirit world. In many primitive civilizations the personal possessions of a dead man, including his weapons, his pets, and sometimes even his wife, are buried or burned with his body. The practice of ancestor worship, as well as the mourning rites of many modern civilizations, probably originated in the belief in ghost.

The special form of a wraith discussed in the first paragraph is probibaly from astral projection; which is a sending out of your astral body to walk or fly about in the astral planes. That is because your body may sit at home or school while your astral body is playing at the park or mall or somewhere else of intrest to yourself. Occasionally some astral projecters have been spotted by those not in the astral world(a good example of this was once shown on the TV channel ZoogDisney when they still had the show "So Weird") . However not all "ghosts" you may see will be astral projecters. Actually you will probibaly never see a ghost in your life, some people(such as mediums) see ghosts but many people just sence them, or sometimes even hear them, and even others get physically moved by them like I was(that story will be on another page and the link to it will be at the bottom of this one). Anyway if you do see a ghost you won't actually see them unless they are a really strong ghost the way you would proibaly see them is through the cornor of your eye in somewhat of a flash of something that looked human. If for some reason you do see a ghost there are a few different ways they may show themself to you. Some ghosts prefer to show you how they looked once they died(i.e. they have their throat slit), how they looked at a particular age(i.e. childhood), or even how they looked just before they died(i.e. at the same age in the same clothes). And last of all, keep your eyes wide open for ghosts at Halloween(Samhain) time because that is when the veils of the worlds are at their thinnest and ghosts can more easily pass through them.

To read about my encounter with a ghost click the link below

My Ghost Encounter

If you choose to see a medium to contact the dead check out this VERY IMPORTANT page first!


the stuff in the grren color is from my encyclopedia and the rest is some info I have aquired from various places which I can't even remember.