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Faery Dictionary

Names in (parenthesis) are other names for the Faerie type listed, S after the name means they are safe, D means dangerous, U means unknown, and O means they are occationally safe or dangerous.

Afreets(Jinn)- U
Alven- S
Ankou- D
Anthropophagi- D
Ashrays- U
Attorcroppe- D
Ballynogs- U
Barabaos(Masseriol)- S
Basilisk- D
Bean-Fionn- D
Beansidhe- D
Bean-Tighe- S
Black Angus- D
Blue Hag(Cailleac Bhuer)- O
Blue Men of the Muir(Merpeople)- S
Bocan- D
Boggarts- D
Bogles(Ballynogs)- U
Boobrie- D
Booka(Bwca, Phooka)- D
Brownies- S
Brown Men- S
Buachailleen- D
Bugganes(Phynnodderees)- U
Buggars- D
Bugul Noz- S
Bunyip- U
Buttery Sprites- U
Bwaganod- D
Bwbachs- D
Bwciod- D
Cailleac Bhuer- O
Callicantzaroi- U
Chi Spirits- U
Chin-Chin Kobakama- S
Churn Milk Peg- S
Clurichuns- S
Coblynau(Knockers)- U
Corrigans- U
Cucui- D
Cu Sith(Black Angus)- D
Devas- S
Dinnshenchas- S
Djinn(Jinn)- U
Domoviyr- S
Dracs- D
Drakes- S
Drus(Dryads)- S
Dryads- S
Duendes- D
Duergarrs- D
Dunters(Red Cap)- D
Dybbuk- D
Elles and Elle Maids(Wilde Frauen)- U
Ellyllons- U
Elves- O
Erlkonig- U
Erdluitle- O
Erdmanlein(Gnome)- S
Fachan- D
Fays- S
Fin Folk- O
Fir Darrigs- O
Fireesin- S
Flower Faeries(Pillywiggins)- S
Folletti- U
Formorians- D
Fossegrim- O
Fylgiar- S
Gancanagh- D
Gandharvas- S
Gans- O
Geancanach- S
Genie(Jinn)- U
Ghillie Dhu- D
Gianes- S
Giants- O
Gitto- D
Gashtin- U
Glaistig- D
Gnomes- S
Goblin and Gobelin(Boggart, Hobgoblin)- D
Golem- O
Grant- S
Gremlin- D
Griffins and Griffiths(Gitto)- D
Grigs(Pixies)- S
Gruagach- S
Guriuz- S
Gwragedd Annwn- S
Gwyllions- D
Hamadryadniks- D
Hamadryads(Dryads)- S
Heather Pixies- S
Hobgoblin- D
Holly King(Santa Clause)- S
Huldrafolk- D
Hyldermoder- O
Hyters- O
Ieles- D
Illes- D
Incubi(Succubi)- U
Irish Elves- S
Irish Sea Water Guardians- S
Jack Frost(Snow Faeries)- U
Jimaninos- U
Jinn- U
Kelpies- O
Kilmoulis(Brownie)- S
Klaboutermannikins- S
Knockers- U
Kolbalds- O
Kornbocke(Phooka)- D
Korreds- D
Korrigans(Corrigans)- U

Lady of the Lake- S
Leanansidhe- D
Leprechauns- S
Lesidhe- U
Limniades- U
Lob- D
Lorelei- D
Lunantisidhe- D
Luntins- O
Ly Erg- U
Mal-de-Mer- D
Mannikins(Elves)- O
Mary Player(Lorelei)- D
Masseriol- S
Mazikeen- U
Melch Dick- S
Menehunas- S
Merewiper(Lorelei)- D
Merpeople- S
Merrows(Merpeople)- S
Moerae- O
Monaciello- S
Moss People- S
Mother Holle- O
Muireartach- U
Murhuachas- U
Neck- D
Nereides- D
Nibelungen- O
Nicker(Kelpies)- D
Nis(Brownie)- S
Nixen- D
Noggles- D
Nokke- U
Nucklelavees- D
Nymphs- S
Oak King- S
Oakmen- O
Ogres- D
Orculli- D
Paian- U
Painajainen- U
Pamarindo- D
Penates- U
Phi-Suk- O
Phookas- D
Phynnodderees- U
Pillywiggins- S
Piskies(Pixies)- S
Pixies- S
Poleviks- S
Portunes- S
Puck(Robin Goodfellow)- S
Pyrenees- U
Red Cap- D
Roanes(Selkies)- U
Robin Goodfellow- S
Rubezahl- D
Rusalki- O
Salamanders- S
Saleerandees- U
Santa Clause- S
Satyrs(Robin Goodfellow)- S
Seelie Court- S
Selkies- U
Servan- U
Shellycoats- S
Shoney(Kelpies)- D
Shopiltees- U
Silvani- S
Skogrsa- D
Sleigh Beggy- U
Snow Faeries- U
Snow Queen(Snow Faeries)- U
Spriggans- D
Spunkies- D
Succubi- U
Sylphs- S
Sylvans- D
Tengu- U
Thussers- S
Tighe Faeries- U
Tomtra- D
Trolls- D
Trows- O
Tuatha de Danann- O
Twlwwyth Tegs- S
Uilebheist- D
Uisge(Kelpies)- D
Undines- O
Unseelie Court- D
Urisks- S
Vasily- U
Vilas- S
Vodianoy- D
Wag-by-the-Way- S
Water Leaper- D
Well Spirits- U
Wichleins(Knockers)- O
Wichtln- D
Wilde Frauen- U
Will-o'-the-Wisp- U
Yann-An-Od- U
Yeti- U
Zips- U
Zuibotschnik(Lesidhe)- U

Keep in mind, these are just general dispositions they don't always apply. And always learn as much as possible about them before trying to contact.
