Faerl Zhaunil
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How and Where to Find Faeries

So ya wanna contact a fairy hmmmm?

    Much of the confusion in folklore concerning finding faeries is the result of popular misconceptions about where and how these creatures live. Faeries are residents of the astral world. It is only when your conciousness has deliberatly shifted, when you slow your mind and focus your thought processes inward and outward, that you can place yourself into the astral realm. This is where faeries are most likely to be found. A faerie is not apt  to aid or harm you while you are sitting at your dinner table having a pleasant conversation with your family, but one may show up when you meditate or especially when you astral project.
Sometimes we hear the question that if faeries are of the astral plane, then why do persons who are clearly functioning in concrete earth conciousness occasionally see faeries? Planes of existance coexist, seperated merely by veils of conciousness , and we, and other thinking creatures, are able to temporarily gain entry to these other worlds.
There are two main aids to help you shift conciousness and visit the astral realm. The first is herbal teas and the second is burning insence. When using herbal teas make sure you ABSOLUTLY know what you are drinking and if you may have an allergic reaction to it! This can not be stressed enough, some parts of certain herbs are posionous and can most deffinately cause death.
A safer alternative is the burning of insence. Four scents include to burn are Jasmine, Dittany of Crete, Sandalwood, and Wormwood. Some other plants, stones, and trees that faerie like include: Lilac Bushes, Pussywillows, Mistletoe, Foxglove, Poinsettia(please note the last three plants are also poisonus if consumed, keep young children and animals away), any shiny stone, tiger's eye, Staurolite, Lava, Fluorite, Peridot, Jade, Emerald, Thorn trees, Elder, Birch, Willow, Oak, Hawthorn, and Rowan. Just remember that trees with spikey projections usually harbor dangerous faeries.

Once you have discovered faeries, you will have to do a few certain things to keep them around.

  • Show them respect
  • Leave them out food. Clean water, butter, cakes, wine, honey, and bread are common foods, their favorite food however is fresh milk. (please note the stuff will physically be there but should be absent of flavoring)
  • Show respect for their dwelling place
  • Put out plants they love(some listed above)
  • Always be honest to them

Keep all these things in mind when dealing with Faerie folk!
