Wiccan Info

Lammas Ritual 6
Sabbat - Samhain
Sabbat - Yule
Sabbat - Imbolc
Sabbat - Ostara
Sabbat - Beltane
Sabbat - Litha
Sabbat - Lammas
Sabbat - Mabon
Rites of Passage

Solo Ritual

Place upon the alter things that reflect harvest such as wheat, oats, fruit and breads. Perhaps even a loaf that is shaped in the image of the sun to represent the God and corn dollies to represent the Goddess.
Arrange the altar, light the candles (good colors are yellow and orange) and censer and cast the circle.
Invoke the Goddess and the God (Goddesses: Demeter, Ceres, Corn Mother Gods: Grain God, Lugh, John Barleycorn)
Standing before the altar, hold your harvest and say these words:

"Now is the time of the first harvest,
when the bounties of nature give of themselves
so that we may survive
O God of the ripening fields,
Lord of the Graingrant me the understanding of sacrifice as you prepare to deliver yourself under the sickle of the
Goddess and journey to the lands of eternal summer
O Goddess of the Moon, teach me the secrets of rebirth
as the Sun loses its strength and the nights grow cold."

Spread the grains, or fruit on the altar and look for any messages that may appear in their form. Bite into your fruit, savoring its flavor and say:

"I partake of the first harvest
mixing its energies with mine
that I may quest for the starry wisdom of ones
Lady of the Moon, Lord of the Sun
I offer my thanks for the continuing fertility of the Earth."

Consume the rest of the fruit or symbol of your harvest.
Words of magic may follow. Celebrate the simple feast, Thank the Deities and close your circle.
It is appropriate to plan the seeds from the fruit consumed in ritual. If they sprout, grow the plant with love as a symbol of your connection with the Goddess and God. Wheat weaving (making of corn dollies) is a good activity for Lughnasadh.

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