Cast the circle and call the Quarters...
Pick up your wand with your right hand, face the North with your arms stretched out above your head and say:
"The wheel of the Year turns on and on,
Blessed be the harvest,
Blessed Be the fruitful Corn Mother,
Blessed Be the God of the Harvest.
I partake of the First Harvest,
Fruit of the womb of the Goddess.
Blessed Be Mother Earth..."
Place your Wand back in its place on the altar. Spread your hands out over the harvested foods on the altar and say these
"Blessed Be the fruitful Corn Mother
Blessed Be the God of the Harvest
As I continue my quest,
May these seeds be buried in Mother Earth
And ensure that the birth of Spring will be glorious
I ask that you except my offer of bread and juice
In hopes that you, Mother Earth
Will look after all the Fairy's
And the animals in the forest
I make my humble offer to you Mother Earth..."
Now name all the things that you are currently grateful for. With each item that you name, break off a piece of the Cornbread
and eat it. Sip from the chalice filed with Apple Cider as well. When finished with the list of blessings, take the small
handful of the Grain from your alter and hold it in your open hand at face level saying:
"My Guardian of the East please indulge me:
Hear me now for I am in need of a request
Help Mother Earth carry out the duty
Of planting and nurturing each and every seed.
Protect them and nourish them on their journey
Until next Spring
When they will blossom and bring life anew.
I give thanks to the Great Mother,
Goddess of the fertile land,of all lakes and air.
Of the blessings I partake and share
Blessed Be this Harvest night!"
Face the alter and assume the Goddess position saying:
"Blessed Be our Mother,
Whose womb contains and bears all life
Blessed Be our Father
Whose seed plants all life
Blessed Be the Two that are One
From them life flows and flows back again."
Now is the time for meditation and spell workings. If no spell workings are to be done, proceed with the Cakes and Ale ceremony,
followed by releasing the Circle.