Wiccan Info

Lammas Ritual 4
Sabbat - Samhain
Sabbat - Yule
Sabbat - Imbolc
Sabbat - Ostara
Sabbat - Beltane
Sabbat - Litha
Sabbat - Lammas
Sabbat - Mabon
Rites of Passage

Group Ritual

Cast the circle in your usual manner, and do ablutions. (Bless and consecrate all participants.)

HPS: As the wheel turns yet another notch, we gather with those we love to celebrate the first harvest. We celebrate the Corn Mother and the God of the Grain. This is a time of abundance and a time we will reap what we have sown.

(call in the watchtowers)

East - Water

All Hail to Thee, Guardian of the Watchtower of the East, the powers of water. The rivers and streams that nourished the harvest, fed our emotions, and helped to ripen all that we are about to reap. Let us drink deeply of the honesty of our friendships. We, the Children of the Harvest invite you to join our Sabbat. So Mote It Be.

South - Fire

All hail to Thee, Guardian of the Watchtower of the South, the powers of fire. The warmth and strength of the summer sun brings forth the abundance of this sultry season. Give us the courage to take that which we have wanted and fought for in our lives. We the Children of the Harvest invite you to join in our Sabbat. So Mote It Be.

West - Air

All Hail to Thee, Guardian of the Watchtower of the West, the powers of air. The gentle breezes that make the fields dance, as well as the thunderous hurricanes that energize the atmosphere, and us! Inspire us to reap the benefits of all that we have sown in our lives. We the children of the Harvest invite you to join in our Sabbat. So Mote It Be.

North - Earth

All Hail to Thee, Guardian of the Watchtower of the North, the powers of earth. cornerstone of all elements, sand and granite, quartz and crystal, from the fertile fields to the cool wood lands, bring us your steadfast power. We the children of the Harvest invite you to join in our Sabbat. So Mote It Be.

(light the Perfect Love and Perfect Trust candles on the altar - red & blue)

(invite the Lord and Lady to join us)

HPS: Our Lady of Lammas, you provide us with seed for sowing, you reward us with fields for reaping. Bring forth upon the labored land sprouted legions of the staff of life. Grain giving Goddess, Mother of all Harvests, we rejoice before you for these first fruits of the fields. The baked bounty of freshly made bread, and hops laden ale of August. May your intuitive wisdom be with us. Let your love now flow through this your Priestess and throughout this circle. Come and bless your hidden children of the Harvest. Blessed Be.

HP: Mighty Lord of Day, now going into the dying corn, this is your wake, Lugh the Sun King. You have reached your consummation of power at Solstice and now you go into the corn and grain. Your energy is poured forth into the body of Mother Earth whose fruitful bounty will nourish our lives. We call you forth in our need for your brilliance, strength, and vitality, for you are the vital half of the life force which brings completeness. May we carry your brightness always within. Let that energy now flow through this your Priest and throughout this circle. Come and bless your hidden children of the Harvest. Blessed Be.

(High Priestess speaks to those present)

HPS: This is the time of the first Harvest, but before we bring in the new, it is always a good idea to clean house, so to speak, and throw out the old to make room for the new. As in all things, the Sun teaches us that for each new life a thing must die, so now we look inside ourselves at this time and see what there is that we may have sown that was unintentional. See what is there that you perhaps would rather NOT have reaped this Harvest. We will pass around parchment paper and pencils, for you to write down whatever you wish to purge before reaping in the new harvest. Keep your words few, as the Gods, and yourselves know what it is you mean.

(pass around paper and pencils to everyone, spend a few minutes thinking)

(when all are done, light a fire in the cauldron to burn the papers in, symbolizing that what we don't want will be transformed. Dance widdershins about the circle, and chant an appropriate chant for getting rid of unwanted things. When papers have been energized, have each thrown into the cauldron.)

(Now on to the blessing of the corn necklaces.)

HPS: The corn necklace is worn to celebrate the grain harvest. This is a link between you and the spirit of the grain. We will imbue these necklaces with the energy of the Lammas Sabbat by dancing and singing. Afterwards, when you return home, these can be left to dry for a few weeks. You can ritually burn them next Lammas, or preserve them.

(all dance deosil now, chanting and singing. Some suggestions are "Corn and Grain" chant*, or "Summer Born King" **)

(when all are done and the energy has slowed down, have all join hands, do this to a slow drum-beat)

ALL: We join with the earth and with each other.

HPS: To bring new life to the land

To restore the waters

To refresh the air

ALL: We join with the earth and with each other.

HP: To renew the forests

To care for the plants

To protect the creatures

ALL: We join with the earth and with each other

HPS: To celebrate the seas

To rejoice in the sunlight

To sing the song of the stars

ALL: We join with the earth and with each other

HP: To recreate the human community

To promote justice and peace

To cherish our children

ALL: We join with the earth and with each other

HPS: We join together as many and diverse expressions of one loving mystery:

For the healing of the earth

And the renewal of all life.


(at this time it is appropriate to do the Great Rite or Cakes and Wine)

HP: As Lord of the Harvest, I tell you that all phases of the cycle, each turn of the wheel is necessary and vital to life. Lammas brings the lesson of sharing. Having reached the fulfillment of any goal, what then will come? Having reached the top of the mountain can you climb still higher? Surely you know that the only constant in life is change. Doubt not and fear not, be not anxious for the future, but live fully in the Now. You have been given much. The harvest is abundant. What shall you share with your brothers and sisters, and with the God and Goddess? Share with your friends in this sacred space what you have successfully harvested this abundant season.

(go around the circle and have each person mention something that they have reaped this harvest that they are happy about and thankful for.)

(Thank the Lord and Lady for coming.)

HPS: Eternal Mother, Lady of Earth and Moon, thank you for this special awareness we have received from your intuitive wisdom within. Thank you for blessing us, your hidden children. Blessed Be.

HP: Eternal Father, Mighty Lord of Day, thank you for illuminating this our sacred space and for your vital energy within. Through you we can now understand the true nature of sacrifice. Thank you for blessing your hidden children. Blessed Be.

(dismissing watchtowers)

East - Water

Hail to Thee, Guardian of the Watchtower of the East, the powers of water. Leave us with gentle rains that nourish the Earth and ourselves. We bid Thee Hail and Farewell, and as ye depart to your mighty realms, harm ye none on your way. So Mote It Be.

South - Fire

Hail to Thee, Guardian of the Watchtower of the South, the powers of fire. Leave us with the warmth of good friendship, and the spark of true love. We bid Thee Hail and Farewell, and as ye depart to your mighty realms, harm ye none on your way. So Mote It Be.

West - Air

Hail to Thee, Guardian of the Watchtower of the West, the powers of air. Leave us with your tender touch, a kiss of breeze upon our faces. We bid Thee Hail and Farewell, and as ye depart to your mighty realms, harm ye none on your way. So Mote It Be.

North - Earth

Hail to Thee, Guardian of the Watchtower of the North, the powers of earth. Leave us with the commitment to renew and restore our lovely Earth. We bid Thee Hail and Farewell, and as ye depart to your mighty realms, harm ye none on your way. So Mote It Be.

(close circle)

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