Wiccan Info

Litha Ritual 4
Sabbat - Samhain
Sabbat - Yule
Sabbat - Imbolc
Sabbat - Ostara
Sabbat - Beltane
Sabbat - Litha
Sabbat - Lammas
Sabbat - Mabon
Rites of Passage

Group, 2+ people

Basic Requirements

Altar/Altar Cloth/Altar Candles: The altar should be in the center of the circle area, facing the Southern quarter. The altar cloth should always be red for the Low Earth Rite of Summer Solstice. (This is only if you are using a regular rectangular altar.) The two main altar candles should be red.

Other Candles: The four quarter candles should be blue in the West, red in the South, yellow (or gold) in the East, and green in the North. All other secondary candles used for extra lighting in the ritual area should be of various shades of red or gold or suited to personal taste.

Special Items: A large red or gold candle will be needed for the cauldron which is placed in the Southern quarter of the circle for Summer Solstice. If the rite is held outdoors, the kindling for a small bonfire should be placed in the Southern quarter.

Circle Area/Casting the Circle/Assemblance of the Quarters
Prepare the circle with decorations of cut flowers or greenery, as appropriate. (Any kind of cut flowers typical of summer fields or gardens.) The circle should be cast according to you or your coven's preference and the Quarters will be called in accordance with the coven's or your personal needs (the author reminds us that South has preeminence for Summer Solstice).

Invocation of the Goddess

The priestess will stand before the altar facing the South and lifting up her hands (or scepter) will speak the following words:
Lustrous Lady,
Thy body glistens in the glow
of Thy Lover's gaze,
even as the Solar Lord
clasps close Thy bosom
within His arms of fiery embrace. In Thy love for the radiant-browed,
golden-eyed God,
Thou hast given Thyself completely
to the body of His brightness.

In Thy union with the God Celestial,
thou hast consummated
the unity of Heaven and Earth,
and we rejoice in the unfolding Mystery of Thy passion.

Lady of Loveliness,
adorned in Summer's flowered grace,
gowned in lacy leaves of forest green
we invoke Thee to be here among us
as we revel in this celebration of light and love!
Blessed Be!

Invocation of the Solar Lord
After the priestess has finished her reading, she will step back and make room for the priest who will then stand before the altar facing the South, and raising his hands or scepter or staff, he will speak the following words.
Solstice Sovereign,
Sol of a thousand rays,
we greet Thee with praise
as Thou takest Thy place
upon the high throne of the firmament!

Thou art the Icon of The Eternal Light
that is beyond Thy light,
for in the reaching rays of Thy warm caress
we feel the pulsing flow of Cosmic Love.

High Lord of the heavens,
Thou hast surveyed
the wonders of Thy vast celestial expanse
and exalted in its beauty. Exalted Disk of golden glory,
Thou hast bestowed upon us
the blessings of Thy bronzed-beamed brightness,
coaxing forth flowers and fruit
from the hidden treasures of seed and vine.

Therefore, with hearts full of thanksgiving
we do invoke Thee
in this season of Thine ascendency,
for Thine exalted radiance
becomes our gleaming guarantee
that the Light shall never forsake us
even as it was ordained
in the primordial plans of the High and Holy.
Blessed Be!

Kindling of the Midsummer Light
The priestess and the priest will go to the kindling prepared for the fire (if the rite is held outdoors) located near the Southern quarter of the circle. Otherwise, a candle within the cauldron is substituted.
The Sun King sinks below the horizon,
but His warmth remains
in the heaviness of the humid dark
as the sweat makes slick the skin
from the lingering of His heated breath. While twilight changes
to late evening hues of ebony and indigo,
the Solstice Lord scatters fragments of himself
into the airy sea of Summer night;
sparkling sequins of flying reflections
in the dance of fleeting fireflies.

And even now shall the element of his brilliance
consume the kindling and the wick
in the circumscribed glories
of candle and fire;
flaming microcosms of the Sun;
symbols of the Solstice
submerged in nocturnal shadows
of Midsummer fantasy.

The priest then lights the fire or candle and speaks the following:

Shining like the sacred Sun,
Thy fire we kindle as day is done.
Beings of Light, surround us here,
illumine the night with love and cheer!

At this point, the priest and priestess lead the rest of the coven in a deosil procession around the circle, either rhythmically speaking or chanting the same incantation. (This can be accompanied with drums, flutes, or other musical instruments, if desired.)

Hymn of Exaltation to the Solar Lord
When the chanting has been concluded, the priestess will take the candle-lantern from the altar, and standing in the center of the circle, lift it up and recite the following hymn.
Let us give glory
to Him Who sits enthroned
at the apex of His Epiphany,
Symbol of the light-originating Logos,
seated high above
the Assembly of the Mighty
as a burning beacon
upon the shining path
to the Mysteries of higher realms!

Sun of Righteousness!
Sol Invictus!
Solar Savior!
We hail Thy coronation
as Lord of the Summer Skies
in honor of Thy Solstice supremacy!

From Thy majesty
proceeds the very Light of nations,
the shining brilliance of illumined Truth,
and the manifest splendor of the Sacred.

Hallowed Blaze of Heaven
Thou art the living Light,
Source of inspiration
to sage and saint,
priestess and prophet.

Therefore, we add to the adoration of the ancients
as we ascribe to Thee praise and honor,
O radiant King of planetary gods!

(The priestess then takes the candle-lantern with her as she goes first to the Eastern quarter, and then the Western quarter, as she recites the following:)

God of Light, God of Life,
dying daily,
Thou descendest into darkness:
rising early,
Thy radiance renews the day!

The Great Rite
If this is a custom practiced within your coven, please follow your traditions.

Parting Prayers
The priest and priestess will return to the altar and take their place before it, facing the Southern quarter. Each will raise their hands or scepter/staff while offering a parting benediction.
Hallowed Goddess,
we thank Thee for the vibrancy of life
which Thy passion generates
in the intensity of Thy love for the Light,
and we beseech Thee to bless us
as we inhale the honeysuckle
of Thy Summer seduction
and are drawn to Thy beauty,
even as the Sun. All Hail, Farewell, and Blessed Be!

Hear now the benediction
of the Evening Star,
spoken softly by the Keeper of Keys
to the Doors of Dusk in the Moon-shade
of purple-shrouded twilight:

"Peace, peace be unto Thee,
Thou fading Lord of descending day,
painting the horizon with lustrous alchemy:
gold transformed to silver,
sterling into sky-draped lapis-lazuli
as Thy radiance recedes
beyond the waters of rest
in the Regions of the West.
All Hail, Farewell, and Blessed Be!”

Dismissal of the Quarter-Regents/Releasing the Circle
At this time the quarters can be dismissed and the circle released, per your tradition. The priestess may close with this benediction.
This rite of Midsummer is ended!
May the exuberance of the season
be your portion as you enjoy
the warmth-filled blessings
of the season!

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