Wiccan Info

Litha Ritual 2
Sabbat - Samhain
Sabbat - Yule
Sabbat - Imbolc
Sabbat - Ostara
Sabbat - Beltane
Sabbat - Litha
Sabbat - Lammas
Sabbat - Mabon
Rites of Passage

Short solo ritual

Cleanse yourself and your space in your normal manner (there's suggested Cleansing instructions for the Ritual Bath, Self and your Sacred Space in our Glade of Worship section that you may like to try).

Light the altar candles and the incense, and then proceed to cast the sacred circle (there's a suggested Circle Casting Instructions in our Rituals section you may like to try!). Then invoke the God and the Goddess. Kneel before the altar, facing east, and say:

"With these mystic rites, I celebrate the summer time and the coming bounty of autumn. Now, the world is bathed in the warm glow of the sun, and the fields and seas and skies and forests are teeming with life."

Hold the cloth pouch in your hands. Concentrate on any problems, pain or illness that you wish to be rid of. Picture these things going into the bag. Stand up and walk round to the East side of the altar. Light the pouch with an altar candle. Drop the pouch into the cauldron to watch it burn. As you watch, know that those impurities are burning to ash. Say:

"Oh great Goddess and God, on this magical night I pray that you will help me to know and understand myself and the world around me. May you bring joy and happiness into my life, and may no harm come to anything by my hands."

After this is through, feel free to perform any magic you wish. Midsummer is a very magically powerful night and is considered a classic time for works of magic, Healings and love magick are especially suitable at this time. Midsummer Night's Eve is supposed to be a good time to commune with field and forest sprites and faeries. End with celebratory Cakes and Ale, and then release the Circle in your usual manner.

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