Wiccan Info

Litha Ritual 1
Sabbat - Samhain
Sabbat - Yule
Sabbat - Imbolc
Sabbat - Ostara
Sabbat - Beltane
Sabbat - Litha
Sabbat - Lammas
Sabbat - Mabon
Rites of Passage

Solo or (Group)

ˇ Lavender or musk incense
ˇ Summer flowers for décor
ˇ Small amount of water in cauldron. Do not fill altar water bowl full; leave room for water from cauldron
ˇ Red votive candle in heat-proof bowl
ˇ Herbs
- Basil or Betony wood
- Chamomile
- Lavender or Fennel
- Lemon balm or Dianthus
- Mullien
- Rue
- St. johns wort
- Thyme
- Vervain

Sweep & lay out altar

This Circle is about to be cast and I stand freely within to greet my lord and lady.

(N) I call upon light and Earth at the north to illuminate and strengthen the circle
(E) I call upon light and Air at the East to illuminate and enliven the circle
(S) I call upon light and Fire at the South to illuminate and warm the circle
(W) I call upon light and Water at the West to illuminate and cleanse the circle

Draw circle

I draw this circle in the presence of the God and Goddess where they may come and bless their children. This is the boundary of the circle. Only love shall enter and leave.

Return to altar, ring bell 3 times, point athame in salt

Salt is life and purifying. I bless this salt to be used in this sacred circle in the names of the God and Goddess .

3 pinches of salt into water, stir 3 times with athame

Let the blessed salt purify this water that it may be blessed to use in this sacred circle. In the names of the God and Goddess, I consecrate and cleanse this water

Sprinkle water around circle

I consecrate this circle in the names of the God and Goddess. The circle is conjured a circle of power that is purified and sealed. So mote it be.

Call quarters

I call upon you, Elemental Earth, to attend this rite and guard this circle, for as I have body and strength, we are kith and kin

I call upon you, Elemental Air, to attend this rite and guard this circle, for as I breathe and think, we are kith and kin

I call upon you, Elemental Fire, to attend this rite and guard this circle, for as I consume life to live, we are kith and kin

I call upon you, Elemental Water, to attend this rite and guard this circle for as I feel and my heart beats, we are kith and kin

Hail to the Elementals at the four quarters! Welcome Lord and Lady to this rite! I stand between the worlds with love and power all around.

Set down athame, pick up chalice and offer libation, take own sip then ring bell 3 times

I(We) celebrate life on this Midsummer Day! Sadness is cast aside and joy flows within as the high summer now begins.

Light red candle and hold up in right hand

The light of the sun, the God of Life, shines round me(us) and in me(us) for the entire world to see

Set candle in bowl & place on pentacle, sprinkle water from cauldron upon altar

The lord and Lady of the Greenwood have made their pact. The Lord rises into the Lady and prepares to descend into the corn, in both ways to be born again of the mother.

Pour cauldron water into purified water bowl

The life that enters the Lady’s care is sanctified and purified in her love.

Ring bell 9 times & raise arms

As the sun moves on his course, so the course of life moves closer to death that life may come again. Soon will the Lord of the Corn move into his realm to become the Lord of the Shadows, but now he shares with me(us) the joy of his life and his love.

Arms down, hold athame over candle

As the God and Goddess share their light and life with me, so do I(we) share with others and offer comfort as I(we )meet.

Athame down, herbs into bowl, mix with athame, add to candle

I(We) call upon the powers imbued in these herbs that the midsummer fire be empowered. Herbs of the earth; symbols of the planets, of life and love, your scent fills the air and drives away care.

Athame down, hands palm down on altar

Lord and Lady you fill my(our) life(lives) with your bountiful love and gifts. I(We) call upon thee both for your continued blessings and offer my(our) petition to thee both that your love and caring remain with me(us) always. May I(we) pass this joy to others. So mote it be!

When all done hold athame above altar(level)

Lord and Lady, I(we) am(are) blessed by your sharing this time with me(us); watching and guarding me(us), and guiding me(us) here and in all things. I(We) came in love and I(we) depart in love.

Raise athame in salute

Love is the law and love is the bond. Merry did I(we) meet, merry do I(we) part, and merry will I(we) meet again. Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again. The circle is now cleared. So mote it be!

Kiss flat of athame and set on altar, take up snuffer and dismiss elementals

Go if you must, stay if you like. Depart in peace, Elemental Earth. My blessings take with you.

Go if you must, stay if you like. Depart in peace, Elemental Air. My blessings take with you.

Go if you must, stay if you like. Depart in peace, Elemental Fire. My blessings take with you.

Go if you must, stay if you like. Depart in peace, Elemental Water. My blessings take with you.

Beings and powers of the visible and invisible, depart in peace. You aid in my(our) work, whisper in my(our) mind(s), and bless me(us) from the Otherworld, and there is harmony between us. My(Our) blessings take with you. This circle is cleared

Take up athame and remove circle

The circle is open yet the circle remains as its magickal power is drawn back into me.

Return to altar

The ceremony is ended. Blessings have been given and blessings have been received, may the peace of the God and Goddess remain in my(our) heart(s). So mote it be!

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